Image sourced from Reddit Do you ever feel tired of the tangled cables and your cluttered studio that ruin your creative flow? People have been adopting the idea of working in their studios in the past few years to make it more suitable as a workplace. Content creators often face...

By Michael Jelliff Read more

Image sourced from Reddit Acoustic drums are the backbone of music of all genres, from jazz and rock to the blues and funk. Many drummers would attest that acoustic kits produce a rich and organic sound that is difficult to achieve with electronic kits.  For beginners and veterans alike, the...

By Michael Jelliff Read more

   Image sourced from Reddit  Imagine you're performing on stage, in a good rhythm, and having done your preparations. But you start playing, and when you hear the sound of your guitar playing, do you find it disgusting? Well, that's where guitar cables come in. Guitar cables are crucial for...

By Michael Jelliff Read more
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