Image sourced from Reddit Think about being in the middle of a stage performance, and your microphone stand wobbles, leading to disturbance during the performance.  What a bad impression it would give in front of the audience! Therefore, the role of the microphone stand stability in the stage performance can...

By Michael Jelliff Read more

  Image sourced from Pinterest   Drumming demands the right posture and comfort. Many drummers usually question if they really need a special drum throne or if any regular chair is fine.  However, it's possible to use regular seats or chairs, they're not recommended. Why? We're going to discuss that in...

By Michael Jelliff Read more

Image from: Reddit On a crisp, chilly evening, the legendary ex-Beatle and music maestro, Paul McCartney, is in his home studio located in a London suburb. He's meticulously crafting a tune that's been on a loop in his head—a catchy little number we'll soon know as "Valentine’s Day." It's destined...

By Michael Jelliff Read more
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